Floor Care Completely Free Of Chemicals
Twister is a revolutionary method for everyday machine cleaning of any type of floor. With billions of microscopic diamonds, the Twister pads clean and polish your floor at the same time – completely without chemicals. It’s the easy, cost-efficient and environmentally friendly approach to professional cleaning, producing astonishing results on just any type of floor. That’s the short story, but it gets even better. So read on – and get ready to join the revolution.

Increased cost-efficiency.
With Twister, water is all you need for daily cleaning. The fact that you won’t be needing chemicals anymore means a lot of things. From an economic standpoint, it means no more money down the drain – literally. But Twister increases cost-efficiency in more ways than one. It helps reduce or even eliminate the need for periodic maintenance and thanks to the fact that no chemicals are used, it reduces the need for machine maintenance. It also lowers the life-cycle costs for flooring, by offering the possibility to refurbish floors making them easier to keep clean with a perfect finish over time.
Safer environments.
Cleaner floors are safer floors, and this for many reasons. Cleaning without chemicals means safer cleaning procedures, improving the work conditions for employees, while at the same time creating healthier, chemical-free environments for the visitors. Floors cleaned with Twister and water also provide increased slip resistance.
Lower environmental impact.
From 100% chemical-free daily cleaning and polishing to significantly reducing the need for consumables, Twister is a sustainable approach from every perspective. Better yet, switching to Twister instantly equals less waste handling, less administration and fewer transports.
For daily cleaning think green.
We want you to always think green, of course, and no matter which color Twister pad you will be using, you can be sure that the actual cleaning process is as green as can be. The green pads are for daily maintenance but there are also pads for anything from deep cleaning to floor restoration. In fact, depending on your needs, we think you’ll appreciate all of the colors.